FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: Viewing will Thursday from 7pm-9pm and Friday 2pm-4pm & 7pm-9pm at Odell Robinson Funeral Home located at 2024 Perrysville Avenue, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15214. The funeral is Saturday at 11am at Metropolitian Baptist Church located at 22 Sampsonia Way.

A native Pittsburgher, Warren was proud to have donecostumes for the late August Wilson, which includedFences, Joe Turner's Come and Gone, and Ma Rainey'sBlack Bottom in Pittsburgh at the Pittsburgh PublicTheater, now known as the O'Reilly Theater. With degrees in both Costume and Set Design fromCarnegie Mellon University, Warren shared her talentsand skills with young adults and children as aneducator. She taught Drama Studies at HowardUniversity Theatre Department in Washington, DC andTulane University in New Orleans, LA at the graduateand undergradute levels. She also taught costume andset design at LORT-East Profession Theatres, OhioUniversity, C.A.P.A. High School Theatre Department,and Northside Urban Pathways Charter School.
Mary Mease Warren returned to professional theatre in2007 to work with Dr.

-Carnegie-Mellon University: Master's DegreeProgram-Costume and Set Design 1973-1974.-Carnegie-Mellon University: Bachelor of Fine ArtsDegree-Drama 1969-1973.-Robert Morris Junior College: Liberal Arts Major1966-1968.-Langley High School: Academic Diploma 1960-1968.-Carnegie Museum Saturday Art Program 1958-1964.
-Developed successful, non-traditional, methods forteaching complicated, content materials to studentswith different learning and retention styles that ledto Honor Roll status for most.
-Mentored Middle and High School students tosuccessfully overcome barriers to college entry andemployment by coaching in Interviewing Skills, ResumePreparation, Career Goals, Life Skills, ConflictResolution, Anger Management, Diversity, Self-esteem,and Role Modeling. All of which provided solid basesfor successful personal endeavors.
-Sponsored Fundraising activities that activelyinvolved students, families, and communities, atcollege and secondary school level that generatedfinancial support as well as substantial goods andservices donated by merchants.
-Produced and Directed Eight productions thatprofitted over $18,000.
-Trained and mentored more than 12 student designerswho are now working professionals.
-Designed, bulit, and equipped Costume Shops at theNegro Ensemble Company, Tulane University, HowardUniversity, and CAPA High School with donations frombusinesses.
-Established working relationships with communityleaders that improved support for students sponsoredevents by increasing audience awareness of theimportance of the Arts.
-Coordinated Guest Artist and Speakers series at thehigh school and college levels to expose students tocareers in the Fine and Performance Arts presented bynationally known professionals.
Stage Preview: Mary Mease Warren gets back in the game for Kuntu season
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