By Journalist Staff Writer
Ashley G. Woodson
For Brotha Ash Productions
Command Operations and Protection Services (COPS) presented legendary hip hip artist DMC to Pittsburgh to speak with adopted and foster children at Second Chance on Frankstown Avenue and to perform at the Greater Pittsburgh Coliseum for the "Down With The King Cabaret". We know about the DMC the artist, but he wants everyone to know Darryl McDaniels, the man who recently found out he was adopted in 2001 at the age of 35, the man who has a new album and a new lease on life. Realizing his purpose and destiny McDaniels decided to make it possible for those less fortunate children without parents to have a life changing experience. McDaniels and his fellow adoptee Sheila Jaffe have started Camp Felix through our Foundation, The Felix Organization to send children without parents to camp. I had the pleasure of interviewing and hanging out with DMC for two days in a row. First I interviewed him at CJ's in the Strip, he spoke with the children at Second Chance in Homewood, and he performed The Greater Pittsburgh Coliseum. After the initial interview we sat in his car and listened to a few tracks from his latest CD. We also went to Arts across the street from CJ's for diehard fans to take photos and get autographs. It was plain to see from the beginning that DMC was a changed man from the experiences of his adoption. He was focused on the children of the world and how he could help.
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